
1109, 2024

Sourdough & Jesus: How God Gave Me a Metaphor for Refinement

By |Special Feature|

I started my sourdough starter back in January, and I’ve learned so much about this beautiful baking tool. It’s definitely an extensive process, but it’s well worth it! Several weeks ago as I was preparing a bread dough, I felt like God dropped this super unique metaphor in my heart that uses the sourdough process to explain His refinement and

2803, 2024

Top 4 Most Transformative Steps I Took in the Past Year

By |Faith, Growth|

Changing your life can be extremely difficult to do on your own; in fact, it’s nearly impossible. If you’re looking for transformation, surrendering the capacity for change over to the Lord is the only true option. With that being said, I’ll let you in on a few specific things I did recently to work with God on myself. If you’re

1503, 2024

5 Ways to Shape Your Most Authentic Self

By |Day to Day, Growth|

In this day and age, being your true self is a rarity. Most of us spend our entire lives trying to fit in with the crowd, working to be successful, and striving to be loved, admired, and respected. We’re told from a very young age that our purpose is to find our place in society and be good people, but

2401, 2024

The Best Home Organization Tips for a Fresh Start

By |Day to Day|

For the past several months, but this month specifically, I have had an itch for change, decluttering, and simplifying my life and household. If your social media feed looks anything like mine, you know that so many people are trying to influence everyone to clean and organize their homes. While I absolutely love this satisfying trend, I don’t love how

3012, 2023

How to Start Eliminating Toxins From Your Home

By |Beauty, Day to Day, Low-Tox Lifestyle|

Cleaning products, beauty products, laundry detergent, toothpaste, kitchen utensils—there are so many different things that we all have in our homes that contain toxic chemicals and fragrances. Of course, we need these things to run a household; however, we should be able to do it without putting our families in danger. Unfortunately, large corporations try to market all of these

3011, 2023

Helpful Tips for Building a Wardrobe You Love

By |Day to Day, Fashion|

Most of us are blessed enough to have a closet full of clothes, shoes, and accessories; however, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you love everything in it. I know I have tons of stuff in my closet that I’ll most likely never wear again, and you probably do too! Whether you have tons of clothes or much too few, you

2811, 2023

Take It From Me: An Open Letter to My 17-Year-Old Self

By |Special Feature|

To My 17-Year-Old Self, I know just how much you want to make the most of your life and be successful. But I also know that maybe, somewhere deep inside, part of that drive is also a way to make up for everything you believe you aren’t enough of. Pretty enough. Skinny enough. Fun enough. Popular enough. Lovable enough. Stylish

2411, 2023

The Best Out-of-the-Box Christmas Gift Ideas

By |Seasonal Fun|

For many people, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. On the other hand, it can also be the most stressful time of the year for others. Buying the best, most expensive gifts has become the most important thing about the holiday season. Unfortunately, the majority of the gifts we all receive end up in the garbage or

1611, 2023

The Best Marriage Advice Nobody Asked For

By |Marriage|

Marriage is such a beautiful covenant designed by God, but we as humans tend to mess it up. We like to insert our own selfish desires and tendencies into this significant relationship with our spouse, which in turn, can lead to unhealthy marriages, divorce, infidelity, and even the ‘roommate scenario.’ Personally, none of these outcomes are an option in my

211, 2023

Daily Bread: Where You Should Study in the Bible

By |Day to Day, Faith|

Reading and studying the Bible are significant parts of following Jesus: you can’t follow His commands if you don’t know them. With that said, it’s not always easy to know where to start or where to go next. There are 66 books that make up God’s word in its entirety—that’s a lot to read! If you’re not sure how or

111, 2023

Stay Clear: The Ultimate Simple Skincare Routine

By |Beauty, Day to Day|

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had your fair share of awful skin quality moments. Fortunately, I had minimal skin issues as a teenager; however, I’ve experienced excessive, painful breakouts over the past few years of my adult life. I thought I had to invest in expensive products for my skin, and I even thought about seeing a dermatologist to

2610, 2023

Achieving Pearly Whites: What Is Oil Pulling?

By |Beauty, Low-Tox Lifestyle|

Almost everyone would agree that taking care of your teeth is incredibly important; however, few people (that I know, anyway!) actually do anything to boost their oral health aside from daily brushing. When we go to the dentist, most of us are told we need to floss more, but so many people don’t do it. Many suffer from frequent cavities,

2410, 2023

Count Your Blessings: Reasons to Start a Gratitude Journal

By |Day to Day|

If you live in the United States, you probably already know that our society emphasizes and encourages the keeping-up-with-the-Jones’ mentality. At some point in each of our lives, we struggle with being thankful for all of the blessings we already have. It’s easy to spend most of your life in competition with those around you and chasing after everything you

1810, 2023

Daily Habits to Improve Your Quality of Life

By |Day to Day, Faith|

It’s very easy to get stuck in the vicious cycle of busyness, stress, and overwhelm. Most of us want to live our best life and truly enjoy the day-to-day; however, it’s much easier said than done. Responsibilities take up most of your time, building new habits can be a challenge, and you might not know how to escape the mundane

1010, 2023

Fun Fall Activities to Do With Your Favorite People

By |Seasonal Fun|

Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to the best season, but I love fall most of all. The trees change colors and show us just how beautiful it is to let things go. The air is crisp, making it the perfect time to rock sweaters and boots. Let’s be real; there’s nothing better than lighting a candle and

510, 2023

Let’s Go Girls: A Guide to the Ultimate Girls’ Day

By |Fashion, Soul Sisters|

Maintaining friendships in adulthood isn’t always easy. Everyone has their own path, our careers and families become our main priorities, and life just gets in the way. However, few things are better than planning a day or an evening to spend time with your besties. Everyone needs a girls’ outing every once in awhile—make it count! Follow along for a

410, 2023

Puppy Love: How to Know You’ve Found Your Soul Dog

By |Pup Talk|

Welcoming a dog into your family is a beautiful thing, but some connections are much deeper than the typical love for animals. Many people just love dogs, so they enjoy having pets and usually continue to adopt them until they reach capacity. While we can have love, respect, and adoration for every dog, we don’t develop the deep, captivating connection

2909, 2023

Date Night Ideas to Boost Intimacy With Your Spouse

By |Marriage|

Whether you’re newlyweds or you’ve been married for several years, you already know just how difficult it can be to maintain that spark you experienced at the very beginning. Doing life with someone every day is a lot different than intentionally spending quality time together. When you were dating, those dates were almost a separate part of your life—you both

2009, 2023

Acne-Prone Skincare Tips That Actually Work

By |Beauty|

Almost everyone struggled with acne as a teenager, but it can follow you into your adult life in some cases—I can personally attest to this. I have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which messes with your hormones on an unbearable level. I’ve experienced especially awful skin quality over the past 2 years, and it’s been really hard. Aside from excessive breakouts

1409, 2023

Study Up: Effective Tips for Reading the Bible

By |Day to Day, Faith|

For many believers, reading the Bible is one of the hardest things to do effectively and consistently. Unfortunately, the excuse of not being able to understand it or not knowing where to start hinders most from studying on a regular basis. I’ve heard that diving into God’s Word at least 4 times weekly has an exponential impact on our level

1209, 2023

Saved by Grace: An Explanation of God’s Redemption Plan

By |Faith|

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. - Ephesians 2:8 If you’re a believer or know anything about the Christian faith, you’ve probably heard the term “saved by grace.” This is an incredibly important factor when it comes to the good news about Jesus, but

809, 2023

How to Deepen Your Relationship with God

By |Day to Day, Faith|

Many people throughout the world would label themselves as Christians or followers of Jesus if you asked about their religious affiliations. While a relatively large number of people know of God, a much smaller percentage of these individuals actually know God and His character. With that said, it’s not always easy to know how and where to start when you

609, 2023

How to Make the Best Non-Toxic Hand Soap

By |Low-Tox Lifestyle|

Soap is an important part of our lives. Think about it; we have a different type of soap to clean our dishes, hands, bodies, hair, teeth, clothes, etc. Unfortunately, most of the soaps you can buy at the store are full of toxins and artificial fragrances. While we can take the low-tox lifestyle to extreme levels, I want to take

3008, 2023

Helpful Organizational Tips to Decrease Your Clutter

By |Day to Day|

Cleaning and organizing are some of the most dreadful things for many people, but they’re so necessary when it comes to keeping a peaceful, welcoming, and comfortable home. Even though it might be the last thing on your priority list, organizing can be incredibly satisfying. Personally, I usually dread the idea of carrying out this task; however, I really enjoy

2808, 2023

Yee Haw! How to Dress for a Country Concert

By |Fashion|

Summer is the ideal season for concerts. Choosing your outfit can be a challenge—explore how to dress your best for a country concert this season. If you know me personally, you already know that I LOVE a good concert. On average, I attend between 10-20 concerts every year, so I guess you could say I’m an avid concert goer. That

2408, 2023

Your New Bestie: Convincing Reasons to Adopt a Dog

By |Pup Talk|

Adopting a dog isn’t for everyone, but it’s life changing for others. Dive into some convincing reasons to adopt a dog. Even though you might think adopting a dog is too much for you to handle, there are so many positive ways a furry pal can impact your life. While different breeds best suit certain families, I bet there’s a

2308, 2023

How to Maintain a Christ-Centered Marriage

By |Faith, Marriage|

Nobody ever said marriage would be easy, but with God, all things are possible. Dive into how to maintain a healthy, Christ-centered marriage. If you’re married, engaged, or dating someone seriously, you already know that coordinating your life with someone else’s isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. However, few things are more beautiful than doing life with your

3007, 2023

Tips for Being More Intentional About Your Days

By |Day to Day|

It can feel like the days all run together, but they don’t have to. Explore some tips for being more intentional about making your days extra gratifying. I know I’ve had my fair share of days that just seem to float by. No huge happenings, nothing worthwhile accomplished, and no gratitude practiced. We all have bad days, and that’s nothing

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