Welcome to our little corner of the world! My husband, Jimmy, and our fur baby, Axel, are easily the most important things to me. We love spending time outdoors, kayaking, golfing, and hangin’ with our friends and extended family.

Don’t get me wrong; I love spending time with my husband. But when we aren’t together, I also love reading, cooking, and crafting with my besties. If I’m being honest, I lead a rather simple life. I love it! I truly enjoy the little things in life—like a perfect sunset, finding new music, or cooking a good meal.

Now that you know a little bit about me, let’s get into how I got here. I’ve always had a passion for writing, but I put it on the back burner for years. Recently, I worked for a large digital marketing agency as a content writer. While I loved using my passion every day, it wasn’t always fun to write for certain industries.

In an effort to break up the monotony, I decided in 2022 that I wanted to start my own blog as a creative outlet. That didn’t happen until 2024! I was very burnt out from writing all day, every day, that I didn’t have anything left in the tank for my own writing—so I put it off. However, 2023 was very transformative for me in many ways, and I decided this website was something I absolutely needed to do.

Early in 2023, I really started learning more about the toxicity of various beauty and household products. Although it took me several months, I finally found non-toxic alternatives and started making many homemade products, which has made a huge difference in my overall health and wellness. I’ve done so much research and tried many different product recipes this year, so I decided it was time to share it with the world!

Aside from my newly found low-tox lifestyle, I’ve also experienced a much deeper relationship with God and grown in my faith drastically. Christianity has been important to me for most of my life, but God absolutely wrecked my world in 2023. I have a renewed passion for spending time in His word, walking in the spirit, and being a shining light in this dark world.

With all of that said, I felt very uncertain about my purpose in May 2023. I knew I was no longer passionate about my job, and I needed a change. So, I prayed about it! I asked God what I should do and where I should be—He answered. He put it in my spirit to start my own business, which was incredibly scary. But it all made sense—writing blogs for a living, learning about product toxins, and growing in my relationship with the Lord all paved my way here without my awareness.

You’ve probably heard that the Lord works in miraculous ways, but it’s more than true—I’m living proof. I didn’t realize where He was leading me for the past few years. But now, as it all comes to fruition, I rejoice in just how amazing He is. I could’ve easily ignored the call because it was too scary, but I’m stepping out in faith and being obedient to my King because I know He has this all in His hands.

I’m SO happy to have you here! Please feel free to explore my shop, blog, and the incredibly good news. I’m always here if you need anything at all—don’t hesitate to reach out to me through email or social media.

Keep your eyes toward heaven and walk in victory!