Achieving Pearly Whites: What Is Oil Pulling?

Almost everyone would agree that taking care of your teeth is incredibly important; however, few people (that I know, anyway!) actually do anything to boost their oral health aside from daily brushing. When we go to the dentist, most of us are told we need to floss more, but so many people don’t do it. Many suffer from frequent cavities, excessive plaque or tartar build up, stained or yellow teeth, or bleeding gums—our oral health is an indicator of our overall health! Follow along to learn more about oil pulling and what it can do for your pearly whites.

What is Oil Pulling?

Oil pulling involves swishing an oil of your choice around in your mouth. This process is similar to using mouthwash, but for a longer period and with more benefits. Unfortunately, most mouthwash solutions on the market actually contain dangerous toxins and do more harm than good for your mouth—hence, the warning to call poison control if you swallow it. Yikes.

The field of dentistry didn’t always exist, and neither did toothpaste or brushes. How did people keep their mouths clean and prevent build up on their teeth? Oil pulling!

So how do you do it?

You can use coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, etc. However, coconut oil is the most popular and my personal favorite. I also like to add a drop of high-quality peppermint essential oil to make the taste a little easier to handle.

Take a small amount of oil in your mouth before brushing, and swish it around for up to 20 minutes. Try to move it around as much as possible and push it through your teeth for the greatest efficiency. Try not to swallow any of it, as it will contain bacteria and toxins after you’ve been swishing it around. Also, you’ll want to brush your teeth thoroughly immediately after you spit out the oil.

If you don’t have time to just sit and wait to oil pull, consider doing it when you’re in the shower to save time. You can do this daily, every few days, or weekly—the more you do it, the better.

Kills Harmful Bacteria

There are so many benefits to oil pulling, and killing harmful bacteria is one of the biggest. Most dental and oral health issues stem from bacteria overgrowth—it doesn’t have to be that way for you! Additionally, many illnesses like the common cold and sinus issues may also come from a lack of oral health.

Removes Toxins from Your Mouth

Many toxins enter our bodies through our mouths, but oil pulling is an effective way to reduce the amount of toxins that enter your body. Coconut oil picks up toxins in your mouth and helps maintain cleaner, healthier gums and teeth. A build up of toxins in our bodies can make us feel groggy, get sick more frequently, and even gain weight—you don’t want that!

May Prevent Cavities

Collectively, our diets contain far too much sugar, which also contributes to cavities. Additionally, not removing the plaque that builds up on your teeth daily may also be a contributing factor to excessive cavities. Because oils are often great natural cleaners, antioxidants, and anti-bacterials, oil pulling on a regular basis might help you prevent cavities.

Reduces Bad Breath and Gum Inflammation

There’s nothing worse than suffering from bad breath—it can diminish your confidence. Generally, bacteria causes bad breath and gum inflammation, and oil pulling helps reduce bacteria and inflammation in your mouth. If your gums bleed frequently, that may be a sign you need to rethink your oral health.

Now that you know what oil pulling is, you might want to add it to your hygiene regimen. It’s not proven to whiten your teeth, but I can personally say that oil pulling with coconut oil makes my mouth feel so clean and brightens my smile. I absolutely love coconut oil for so many reasons—it’s relatively cheap, versatile, and completely safe. Coconut oil is even the base of my homemade hair mask! You might already have some coconut oil in your kitchen—you’d be crazy not to use it for your personal health and beauty routines, especially oil pulling.


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