Daily Habits to Improve Your Quality of Life

It’s very easy to get stuck in the vicious cycle of busyness, stress, and overwhelm. Most of us want to live our best life and truly enjoy the day-to-day; however, it’s much easier said than done. Responsibilities take up most of your time, building new habits can be a challenge, and you might not know how to escape the mundane routine of your daily life. Follow along for a few of my tried-and-true daily habits to improve your quality of life. 

Get in God’s Word

Many people claim to be too busy to get in God’s Word and spend time with Him, but it’s simply an excuse. I’m not saying that we don’t all have busy schedules; however, we all somehow have time to watch TV, scroll through our phones, or read other books. 

You don’t have to spend hours each day studying the Bible! In fact, you can get so much out of devoting 15-20 minutes to reading and prayer. If you’ve ever made the decision to make independent bible studies part of your daily routine, you already know just how much this simple step improves your entire life! 

I used to struggle with depression, anxiety, body image, negativity, etc., and I would put on a brave face to go out in the world. It was awful, and I was miserable.

And then something changed. 

I started being more intentional about getting in The Word, and I felt God pull me in even deeper—I had the desire to read daily! I started this back in February, and let me tell ya, I don’t skip more than one day weekly. 

This isn’t to boast about how much I study God’s Word; but rather, to encourage you to do the same. First of all, we can’t totally surrender and obey the Lord if we don’t know His commands, character, and voice. Second, He will answer so many of your questions through His word: He gave me such a bold and thorough understanding of spiritual things, His grace, and right vs. wrong. Now, my level of spiritual discernment is so accurate it even surprises me sometimes! Third, He delivered me from all of the things I mentioned above and more—there’s power on those pages! 

It’s so much more than reading: it will positively impact everything about you and how you live your life. Reading your Bible daily is one of the first steps to learn how to deepen your relationship with God. It starts with the words in red. 

Move Your Body 

Exercise tends to be another thing we’re all too busy to add to our schedules, but it’s important! This is something I also struggle with sometimes, but the key is moving your body doing something you enjoy. For instance, I don’t enjoy working out in a gym—if you do, seriously, kudos to you! But I don’t, and that’s okay. 

For me, even doing some stretches at home makes a big difference in how my body feels. However, stretching alone isn’t enough to stay in shape. I also enjoy playing outdoors or indoors with my dog, and we like to go for walks together too!

Whether you do something in the morning, afternoon, or evening, moving your body is a great way to stay happy and healthy. Our brains release endorphins when we exercise, which are like natural pain killers—I call them happy hormones!

Practice Gratitude 

It’s much easier to fall into focusing on how stressed or unhappy you are when you spend most of your time dwelling on what you wish you had. On the other hand, you won’t have much of an opportunity to focus on your wants and the negatives if you practice gratitude every day. 

I used to be a negative person, and I didn’t realize how abundantly blessed I was. I’ve made an effort this year to practice gratitude by documenting my blessings, and it has made such a huge difference for me. I no longer wish I had the best clothes, a smaller body, or a huge house. Instead, I’m grateful that I even have comfortable, relatively fashionable clothes to wear, that I’m alive and well, and that I have an adorable little place to call home. 

When you focus on your blessings, it’s nearly impossible to complain about your circumstances or constantly wish for more. I started this year with a journal, where I wrote one thing that I was grateful for daily. Honestly, I stopped documenting back in June or July because it just became a lifestyle for me! 

Being intentional about counting my blessings—even the small ones—quite literally changed my thought process over time. Even though I don’t write something down every morning anymore, I start each day by thanking God for another day. I no longer let the little joys go unnoticed or unappreciated—I live in a constant state of gratitude, and you can too!

Talk to Someone You Love

Too many times, we don’t realize how much we neglect our relationships until it’s too late. We use busyness as an excuse not to stay connected with those around us. I’m not saying you have to talk to every single person you know daily, but we have to remember why we’re here. 

God didn’t put us here to work our lives away and chase after a dollar. He didn’t what us to be so busy that we stop actually connecting with people. Instead, God put us here to expand His kingdom, thrive on relationships, and prepare for eternity. 

He warns us not to love the world and its desires because it will all pass away. However, the souls of those who do the will of God, which is believe and trust in the good news, will live forever. The money, material items, petty issues, debt, and all struggles are temporary.

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “you can’t take it with you when you go,” and it’s incredibly true. Let this sink in: the only thing you can take with you to heaven is people. So, don’t be too busy to talk to someone you love—we were created to thrive on relationships. Your days will be significantly better when you connect with people you love.

Unplug for at Least an Hour

It’s not uncommon to spend hours upon hours staring at a screen every day. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s healthy. I believe everyone should have at least an hour daily where they unplug from the digital world. Whether it’s first thing in the morning, on your lunch break, or in the evening, consider taking some time for yourself. 

It can be tempting to say that your ‘me time’ consists of scrolling social media or watching TV, but stepping away from the screens is the best way to decompress and ground yourself in reality. 

When I unplug, I like to read my Bible, knock out some chores, take Axel for a walk, talk to my husband, pray outdoors, read novels, or cook dinner. Honestly, I like to unplug for a lot of time throughout my day! I think it’s a great way to refresh your soul, disconnect from the world wide web, and actually connect with the world around you. 

Living purposefully and enjoying your day-to-day routine doesn’t require searching for a brand-new life. Instead, you can change some of your small daily habits to improve your quality of life. Too many people have been led to believe that their worth, purpose, and happiness lie in being busy and chasing something they don’t have. 

What if I told you that your purpose, peace, blessings, and true joy were only unlocked by slowing down and giving it all to Jesus? 

Would you try it?

Just put these habits in action—you’ll unlock the most beautiful, fulfilled life imaginable.

Categories: Day to Day, Faith


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