Date Night Ideas to Boost Intimacy With Your Spouse

Whether you’re newlyweds or you’ve been married for several years, you already know just how difficult it can be to maintain that spark you experienced at the very beginning. Doing life with someone every day is a lot different than intentionally spending quality time together. When you were dating, those dates were almost a separate part of your life—you both went back to your normal, separate lives afterward. As a result, those times together were very exciting. Entering marriage is a beautiful thing, but it can be a tough adjustment for many couples. If you want to be intentional about connecting, check out some date night ideas to boost intimacy with your spouse.

Picnic Somewhere Peaceful

Picnics are some of the best date nights, hands down! Whether you pack a basket of homemade dishes and head to the park or grab dinner from your favorite restaurant and take it to the beach, eating outdoors on a beautiful evening is so much fun.

There’s nothing better than eating together, enjoying a nice conversation, and then watching the sunset on the beach. If you don’t live close enough to a lake or ocean to make it a date night, consider going to a local county park or another outdoor area. All that matters is that you can talk to each other without too many people around and just take in God’s beautiful creation together.

Truck Bed Date

This one is relatively similar to the first, but it’s a personal favorite in my marriage. If you own a pickup truck and a relatively secluded piece of property, this date idea will cost you next to nothing!

Basically, you’ll want to make your truck bed into an actual bed—an air mattress, pillows, blankets, etc. Then drive to where you want and park it. Leave your cell phones in the cab, climb into the transformed truck bed together, marvel at the stars in the night sky, have an undistracted, uninterrupted conversation, and just enjoy each others company! If you want to make it even more intimate, make a little love out there—you won’t regret it!

Pro Tip

Bring some wine, snacks, and a speaker for music to take this date night to the next level!

Try a New Restaurant Together

Going out to eat is probably the most mainstream date out there, but it doesn’t have to be just another dinner. My husband and I really enjoy trying new foods and restaurants together, so we make a point to do this with each other rather than other people. We don’t go out to eat very often, so we like to make these outings special!

Plan it out like you would before getting married. Rather than just deciding to go out one night, discuss going out Friday night together early in the week. This way, it’ll give you a chance to decide where to go, and you’ll both be looking forward to it throughout the week. Get dressed up together to go out, and don’t forget a spritz of your signature perfume or cologne!

Stay Home Together

You might be thinking that staying home together isn’t anything out of the ordinary, but it can be! As a married couple, you and your spouse may be at home together a lot. However, few couples actually use this time as quality time with their person.

You don’t have to be focused solely on each other every second you spend at home together, but quality time is necessary to maintain a healthy and connected marriage. Staying home together doesn’t have to mean you do all the things you should get done around the house or focus on all the chaos of everyday life.

Instead, try to do something fun together at home! Cuddle up on the couch with blankets and pajamas while watching a movie, cook a tasty meal together, have a wine and canvas night, build a campfire in the backyard, play cards or board games, or bake cookies together. Staying home doesn’t have to be boring or routine—plan out some relaxing yet fun activities you can do together in pajamas.

Take a Weekend Road Trip

Sometimes getting out of town together is all you need to reignite the spark. A weekend road trip is always a great idea for you and your spouse. Choose an area a few hours from home, book a nice hotel or rental property, and find things nearby to enjoy together. Leaving town gives you an opportunity to be together without all of the stresses of your daily lives; in fact, it doesn’t really matter what you do while you’re away. All that really matters is you put your focus on each other and your relationship.

Hopefully, having a few date night ideas to boost intimacy with your spouse in your back pocket will help you be more intentional about dating each other. I know it’s not always possible to go on dates, but you can connect deeper on a regular basis by setting your cell phones aside, communicating clearly, praying and studying the Bible together, and showing affection for each other. The initial spark is natural, but maintaining it is a choice—happy, healthy marriages require intentionality.

Categories: Marriage


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