How to Maintain a Christ-Centered Marriage

Nobody ever said marriage would be easy, but with God, all things are possible. Dive into how to maintain a healthy, Christ-centered marriage.

If you’re married, engaged, or dating someone seriously, you already know that coordinating your life with someone else’s isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. However, few things are more beautiful than doing life with your favorite person. Many people wonder how my husband and I keep our relationship so tight in every aspect, and our answer is that Jesus is our foundation. Read on to learn how to maintain a Christ-centered marriage. 

Study and Pray Together 

While you might already have your own bible and prayer lives apart from each other, you should also carve out some time to do this together. Whether you choose to do this daily, weekly, or every other day, studying God’s word and praying out loud with your spouse is an incredibly powerful tool for edifying your marriage. 

Personally, my husband and I pray together daily and do a bible study together a few times weekly. Staying consistent with this practice has made a huge difference in our understanding of God and each other. 

Pro Tip

Pray together in bed before falling asleep every night—it’s a great way to unwind and talk to God and each other about your day. 

Hand Your Relationship Over to God 

In many cases, couples try to do everything own their own power and understanding when their marriage starts to fall apart. Unfortunately, this can cause things to fall even further from where they need to be. Instead, I recommend handing your relationship over to God. 

You can lay your issues at the cross, let Him deal with your spouse rather than trying to change them yourself, and allow God to work in each of you individually. Place everything in His hands and stop worrying about it; watch the Lord transform your relationship.

Be Intimate Often 

Nobody wants to talk about this topic, especially Christians. There’s such an unhealthy stigma around the topic of sex in the church, and it has to stop. We spend most of our young lives learning not to do it, and then we grow up, get married, and feel dirty for doing the one thing that was so taboo. 

All of that to say, sexual intimacy is God’s plan and design for the marriage relationship. While God’s plan for love-making looks much different from the world, many issues in marriage can be solved by being intentional about intimacy with your spouse. When used correctly, sex is an excellent way to connect with your partner and maintain love and respect for each other—do it (pun intended!) as much as possible.

Mirror the Biblical Definition of Marriage 

Mirroring the biblical definition of marriage is one of the best ways to keep God as your foundation. If you’re unsure what this actually means, that’s okay. In Ephesians 5:22-30, we can see what God says about marital roles for husbands and wives. I encourage you to read the full passage for yourself, but I’ll summarize it for you here. 

Biblical Roles of Wives 

As wives, our role is to submit to our husbands and show them respect. What does this mean? No, you don’t have to bend to his every command and become a slave to him. Rather, you should show him respect and allow him to be the leader of your household. 

Biblical Roles of Husbands

As for husbands, your role is to be the head of the house and love your wives as Christ loves the church. Sounds simple, right? You must remember that Christ loves the church—His bride—so much that He puts His bride’s needs above everything. You are to lead your family toward God and love your wife only one step below God.

Now that you know how to maintain a Christ-centered marriage, you might want to make some changes in your life. If you want more information on submitting your life to the Lord, please visit the Good News page for an abundance of biblical truth. Also, feel free to contact me with any further questions on marriage or walking with the Lord. 

Categories: Faith, Marriage


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