Let Me De-Influence You: You Don’t Need It!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably fallen victim to being influenced to buy things you don’t need. We think just because someone on social media has something or tells us we should run out and buy something that we actually have to cave. In our society, overconsumption is so normalized. As a result, most of us have become blind to the fact that we’re buying too many things that we don’t actually need. Eventually, we end up living in too-cluttered houses, with too much stuff to manage, and too overwhelmed to do anything about it. You know I’m right, so let me de-influence you:

you don’t need …

Another Tumbler or Mug

Seriously with this one. There is a new cup trend every few months! And so many people fall for it every. single. time. You do not need another tumbler or mug. You probably already have a cabinet bursting at the seams with cups that you don’t even use. The one you bought last month still works just as good as that brand new one would. You don’t need the newest color or design. You don’t need to follow the trend.

You can only use one cup at a time, so you don’t need multiple of the same size. Use the cup you already have, choose your favorite ones, get rid of the ones you don’t use, and don’t buy more until it’s necessary due to wear and tear.

Seasonal Blankets or Bedding

Why do we feel the need to have multiple sets of bedding for all the seasons or blankets we put into storage until specific times of the year? Seasonal blankets and bedding are very unnecessary and take up too much valuable space in your home.

I know it’s tempting. I’ve seen the cutest Christmas sheets and have been tempted to buy them. However, the cost and hassle outweighed the pleasure. You can use the sheets and blankets you already have year round.

More Stationary or Notebooks

You know that one aisle at TJ Maxx with all the notepads and journals? I’m not too proud to admit that I’m a sucker for that aisle. One thing about me is that I love a cute notebook! You might be right there too, and it’s so hard to resist picking up a new journal, especially when they’re so cute and cheap.

Here’s the thing: you can only use so many notebooks at once. Personally, I still have a stock pile and I haven’t bought any new ones in well over a year. They stack up fast, and you really don’t need a new one. Don’t buy a new notepad or journal until you use up all the pages in your old one or need a fresh one for a very specific purpose.

Seasonal Pajamas

You probably already know that you really don’t need any new clothes, so I wanted to give you a more narrow category. Seasonal pajamas are debatable. Realistically you don’t need themed pajamas for the fall and winter months. I say this one is debatable because there’s nothing wrong with having some Christmas pajamas if you’re willing to wear them year round. Personally, I have some pretty cute Christmas pajamas, but it’s not uncommon to catch me wearing them in the middle of summer.

Ultimately, don’t buy seasonal pajamas if you’re truly only going to wear them one month out of the year. On the other hand, wearing a pair of Christmas pajamas pants in July isn’t going to hurt you.

Another Skincare, Hair, or Makeup Product

For so many years, beauty products were my personal overconsumption item of choice. I would buy a new skincare or makeup product almost every single time I stepped foot in a store. It was bad! I ended up with so much stuff that I didn’t even know what to do with all of it.

I know this is the case for many ladies, and I’m here to tell you that you really don’t need it. Truthfully, it feels so good to only have one of every makeup product, a super simple skincare routine, and only a few different perfumes.

The only exception to this is when you decide that you want to revamp your routine by choosing all non-toxic beauty products. I understand because I’ve been there. I got rid of a bunch of beauty products in order to replace them with healthy choices, and I highly recommend making that move.

The Recommended Tools for Every Hobby

So many hobbies ‘require’ specific tools. While it’s easy to fall into buying every little thing to make that hobby easy for yourself, it’s more than okay to try to use what you have first. For instance, I’m an avid sourdough baker, but the only sourdough tools I own are a dutch oven, bread sling, and a scoring tool.

My bread almost almost always turns out amazing, and I don’t have a dough whisk, special measuring starter jars, a dough thermometer, or banneton baskets. You don’t always need all the recommended tools to get the job done!

Expensive Greens Powders or Electrolyte Supplements

Supplements have a special place in my heart. Anyone that really knows me already knows that I’m a supplement girlie. I take lots of vitamins and things daily, but I will never, ever get behind buying expensive greens powders or electrolyte supplements.

Some people swear by these things, but honestly, you don’t need them.

Here’s my advice: EAT WELL.

When you eat a well-balanced diet filled with whole foods, you’re reducing your need for any greens powder. Get your protein, fat, fiber, and carbs from whole food sources! I totally get using vitamins and supplements to fill in the gaps of your diet or to help cover deficiencies. For example, I’m not a fish person; however, I supplement with fish oil because I know my body needs it.

As for electrolyte supplements, you really don’t need these. This goes for Liquid IV, Minerals and Chill, Nello Supercalm, or whatever else claims to help you hydrate or provide the necessary minerals to balance your cortisol.

It’s really this easy: find a high quality sea salt or pink Himalayan salt, and add a small amount to your water every time you fill it up. Good salt contains a very high percentage of the necessary minerals our bodies need to function, and this will help you stay hydrated. Using this method is the best way to get the benefits of these electrolyte supplements without all of the extra ingredients or money spent. (And no, you won’t taste the salt in your water if it’s high quality!)

Long story short: all of the supplements in the world can’t make up for a crappy diet and disordered eating patterns.

Avoiding overconsumption, saving your money, and only buying what you truly need or what you’re specifically looking for is very uncommon in this day and age. I know that we’re constantly being influenced from every direction, but truthfully, you don’t need it. As someone who has spent tons of time over the past few years decluttering my home, I can honestly say that the dopamine hit of buying stuff doesn’t outweigh the dread of having to declutter or manage far more stuff than I actually need.

Let me influence you with this: it’s okay to use what you already have and choose to live a simpler lifestyle!

Categories: Day to Day, Growth


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