Small Ways to Romanticize Your Daily Life: God Girl Edition

On average, many of us lead relatively simple and routine lives. Your regimen might start to feel mundane and boring after a while, but what if I told you it doesn’t have to be this way? Some people think living for the Lord rather than the world has to be lame or unexciting; however, we can make the most of our days and live beautiful lives without loving the things of this world.

So, what does it mean to romanticize your life?

Although the term romanticize typically carries a negative connotation, it can also be beautiful. At the core, romanticizing your daily life is about appreciating the small things and doing simple things—that don’t seem super glamorous or exciting—to glorify God and that bring joy into your life.

Personally, I enjoy the little things in my life. I enjoy the simple but sweet things that make my days brighter. We don’t have to walk the red carpet or spend our days chasing cheap thrills in order for it to be fulfilling and beautiful. Follow along for my God girl edition of small ways to romanticize your daily life.

Wake Up Early to Spend Quiet Time with God

This is a hard one for many people, but it’s important if you have a busy schedule. When you put it off, it’s very likely that you won’t do it at all. However, your relationship with God quickly becomes your top priority when you sit with Him in peace every morning.

Honestly, there’s absolutely nothing better than starting my day with reading a devotional, studying God’s Word, and talking to my Heavenly Father. I like to sit in my quiet place in His presence before I do anything else, including looking at my phone.

Make Him your top priority every day—it’s a simple change that makes a beautiful difference!

Care for the Body God Gave You

While we are souls who have bodies, our bodies are crucial. Also, our bodies as believers are the temple of the Holy Spirit—we should care for them properly! You’d be surprised how much joy and confidence you gain when you think about caring for your body as a privilege rather than a chore. Though beneficial, taking care of your body isn’t limited to exercise and eating well.

Here’s a list of different ways you can incorporate health and wellness into your day:

  • Move and stretch
  • Get solid sleep
  • Stick to a vitamin/supplement regimen
  • Eat balanced
  • Try oil pulling
  • Be careful about what ingredients go on your body via soaps, skin and hair products, makeup, deodorant, perfumes, laundry detergent, etc.
  • Drink enough water
  • Go outside more
  • Walk your dog
  • Use less plastic
  • Keep up with oral hygiene
  • Wash and moisturize your face
  • Oil your scalp before washing your hair
Create a Prayer Board (and use it!)

You’ve probably seen vision boards growing in popularity, but these aren’t necessarily the best way to live. Vision boards are based on your will and wants rather than God’s.

However, you can create a prayer board instead. Like a vision board, a prayer board can reflect your personality and style, but it should be a tool you use to strengthen your prayer life and relationship with God. Typically, these include bible verses that speak to you personally, encouraging words and phrases, and most importantly, the things you’re praying about and trusting God for.

A prayer board is a great tool, but the key is actually using it on a daily basis!

Remind Yourself Who You ARE

Some days you just wake up feeling low, lackluster, and down on yourself. The enemy plants negative thoughts in our heads about ourselves to try to stop us from walking in our full God-given potential.

With that said, you can make your day infinitely better by taking some time to remind yourself who you actually are! Whether that looks like speaking scripture over yourself, posting true affirmations on your bathroom mirror, or asking God to replace the negative with truth and love, knowing who you are in Christ is one of the keys to living and walking in confidence.

Find Your Unique Signature

Have you ever met one of those people that have a signature hairstyle, piece of jewelry, or scent? Even if it’s something small, your unique signature is a fun way to be undeniably, authentically you!

If you don’t already have a signature something, find it! All you need is a ring or necklace you always wear or a fragrance that everyone associates with you. Find something you absolutely love and stick with it; eventually, it’ll become your unique signature.

Not sure what yours should be? Consider building your own signature fragrance with my custom-crafted perfumes!

Handwrite a Letter to a Friend

Nobody does this anymore—handwriting letters and sending them in the mail is a thing of the past. But who says it has to be?

Instead of sending a text or posting on social media, consider handwriting a letter to a friend detailing how much you love and appreciate them, something to encourage them, and something to make them smile, and then sending it via snail mail.

Not only can this make your days brighter and more beautiful, but your words can be a huge blessing for someone else. If you just send it with no warning, a handwritten letter is one of the greatest surprises to receive.

Spread God’s Love Everywhere You Go

As followers of Jesus, we’re called to spread love and kindness to everyone we meet. While this can come in the form of smiles and kind words, it can also mean spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

Whether you share your testimony with someone else, make handwritten Christ-centered notes to leave in public places, or leave mini Jesus figurines everywhere you go, you can make a big difference in someone else’s life. No matter how you’re feeling, don’t forget to spread God’s love. Never forget that a little love, kindness, and Jesus go a long way!

Make Every Day a Special Occasion

Special occasions come and go in our lives, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait for them to come along to live your best life.

What does this mean?

Well, you can make every day a special occasion by using your fine china to eat a typical dinner, making your morning coffee or tea in a fancy glass, drinking water out of a wine glass with a fresh lemon slice, burning the nice soy wax candle, cooking a fun meal just because, or getting dolled up to eat at your local Mexican restaurant.

It doesn’t have to be a birthday, holiday, or celebration in order for you to enjoy your daily life—the little things can make every day special to some degree.

Now that you have a few small ways to romanticize your daily life, you don’t have to spend your days in boredom or seeking cheap thrills. Living for the Lord doesn’t have to be boring and enjoying your life doesn’t mean you have to live in sin.

Many people think that romanticizing your life is a negative thing that makes you delusional; however, it really means using rose-colored glasses to magnify the little things and practice gratitude.

Some might think you’re strange for finding joy in the ordinary, and others will ridicule you for being too extra. None of it matters—after all, the rose-tinted view is awfully beautiful.

Categories: Day to Day, Faith


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