Study Up: Effective Tips for Reading the Bible

For many believers, reading the Bible is one of the hardest things to do effectively and consistently. Unfortunately, the excuse of not being able to understand it or not knowing where to start hinders most from studying on a regular basis. I’ve heard that diving into God’s Word at least 4 times weekly has an exponential impact on our level of faith and the reduction of negative thoughts. As someone who now studies the Bible no less than 6 days a week, I can personally attest to the incredible power that it brings to your life. If you want to build this healthy habit into your daily life, follow along for a few effective tips for reading the Bible.

Pray Before You Start Reading

Opening God’s Word is a beautiful thing, and you should make an effort to do so. Even though we’re saved by grace and true belief (not our ability to memorize every single verse), that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the desire to read and study often. However, it also doesn’t mean you’ll be able to understand it and grasp every story and concept right away. 

When you become a believer in Jesus, you’ll receive the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of Truth. While the Holy Spirit does so many things for us, one of the coolest ways I’ve experienced Him is in learning and divine revelations. 

Think of the Holy Spirit as your teacher: He teaches you, gives you eyes to see and ears to hear, and reveals things to you in Scripture. With all of that said, pray before you start studying that the Holy Spirit will teach you and help you understand the many mysteries and parallels of the Bible. 

Find a Version You Like

It’s no secret that there are tons of versions and translations of The Word. Although some may try to tell you that one is better, more effective, or more proper than others, they’re all helpful and correct. Please find a version you like and understand! King James is great and powerful, but it won’t do you any good if you have to stop every sentence to look up words. 

Personally, I read the New International Version (NIV) on a daily basis; however, I like to keep a few different versions around to compare and learn from. Finding the right version for your own use is a decision based on personal preference—just make sure you can understand it. On top of that, I also recommend choosing a Study Bible that offers additional notes, context information, and concept snippets. 

Keep Track of Where You’ve Already Read

Even though this might not be a big deal when you first start studying the Bible, keeping track of where you’ve already read is helpful. I realize not everyone is just like me, but I study by reading entire books of the Bible. When I finish reading the whole book, I like to highlight the big title at the start of every book.Whether you do this or find your own system, keeping track of where you’ve already studied can save you some confusion. 

Pro Tip 

Be sure to keep highlighters, pens, and tab markers nearby to help you. Highlight things that stand out to you, take notes, and mark sections you want to be able to come back to.

Use Devotionals and Guided Studies

Even though the Bible is the most important book in the matter, don’t be afraid to use daily devotionals, guided Bible studies, and other resources to help you jump into The Word. 

Additionally, you don’t have to limit yourself to one method or another—using more than one study method is super beneficial. For instance, I partake in the following options to study The Word and connect with God on a deeper level:

  • Daily devotional books
  • Guided studies
  • Book-to-Book reading 
  • Small group studies/discussions
  • Watching supplemental sermons online
Avoid Cherry-Picking Verses 

I can’t stress this one enough—do everything you can to avoid cherry-picking verses to shape your opinion or interpretation of a particular issue. 

You might not understand what I’m telling you yet, and that’s okay: cherry-picking is when someone uses evidence that supports their stance while ignoring contradicting evidence. When it comes to the Bible, cherry-picking occurs when someone uses a single verse to justify their opinion on something, which often results in attacking other believers claiming them to be ‘false teachers.’ 

Unfortunately, some denominations are based on cherry-picked verses that are taken out of historical, cultural, and character context. With all of that being said, please understand that you must take the book as a whole and examine all of the evidence on a particular issue. 

If you’re unsure about something or have a question, don’t be afraid to use the internet for supplemental sources (use caution and discernment), pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to you, or ask a fellow believer about it. But whatever you do, don’t be one of those people that attacks someone else’s teaching or actions without first examining all the evidence with help from the Holy Spirit. 

Making the decision and effort to study God’s Word daily is the one of the best choices I’ve ever made, and I pray that these effective tips for reading the Bible will encourage you to make it an essential part of your daily routine! If you have any other questions or need more help kickstarting your hunger for truth, I’m always here for you and more than happy to help. 

Categories: Day to Day, Faith


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