Being more intentional by reading my bible

It can feel like the days all run together, but they don’t have to. Explore some tips for being more intentional about making your days extra gratifying.

I know I’ve had my fair share of days that just seem to float by. No huge happenings, nothing worthwhile accomplished, and no gratitude practiced. We all have bad days, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of; however, it’s easy to feel stagnant if you string enough of them together. Follow along for a few of my best tips for being more intentional about your days.

Wake Up Early

Even though you might not be a morning person, waking up early is one of the best ways to start a productive day. I didn’t use to be a morning person either, but it has become a normal part of my day—I enjoy my morning routine!

Set your alarm for a specific time and make yourself get up when it goes off—avoid pressing snooze. By getting out of bed before the last possible second, you won’t have to rush to get ready for work. You can take your time, make a tasty coffee or tea, and even get in some me-time.

Read Something Inspirational

Reading something inspirational first thing in the morning is an excellent way to put a little pep in your step for the day. Personally, I like to read a short devotional and study my bible first thing after waking up—it sets the tone for my entire day.

You can also read poetry, positive daily affirmations, or a self-help book to start your days on the upside. Also, I love using the time directly after reading to practice gratitude. Whether you write in a gratitude journal or meditate on something you’re thankful for, it can make a huge difference in your daily life.

Pro Tip

Ask your friends to join you on inspirational reading and practicing gratitude to hold each other accountable—it’s also a great way to strengthen and deepen relationships.

Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself is one of the most important things you can do. It’s very easy to backslide in this area, as other things start to come before your own needs. While your career and family are important, you can’t adequately pour into them if you don’t first take time for yourself.

Whether it be using a refreshing facial mist and keeping up with proper skincare, treating yourself to your favorite snack, or doing something you love, making a point to do something for yourself is crucial.

Connect with Friends and Family

Unfortunately, it’s very easy to feel alone in life, but you don’t have to feel like that. Connecting with friends and family members on a daily basis goes a long way when it comes to an intentional day. Not only does this help you with loneliness, it also makes others feel loved and supported.

Even if it’s one text or a quick phone call, touching base with your support system can transform your whole day. If I’m being honest, talking to my two best friends is one of my favorite parts about my daily routine.

With these helpful tips for being more intentional about your days, you can make the most of the 24 hours you have. Every day is a gift from the Lord—use today to the fullest extent and do your best!

Categories: Day to Day


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